Well, today, for the first time in a probably 3+ months (i literally cannot remember the last time) I washed the car. Just before we have a huge sand storm. But it needed to be done. Was mostly gratified that the quartz seems to be still holding up. However, after soaping, brushing, and rinsing with low-TDS water, I still have a film of dirt on the car (doesn't appear to be adhered, just did not handwash with a scrubber this time). Its what I get for letting it go so long, but family affairs have to take precedence over the cars, even this one. From about 10 feet away it looks pretty freaking sharp, but when you look up close with the dust blowing in, or out the windows in the evening sun, is no bueno. Maybe this weekend, wash again, and do the detailing. Had to do 4 others, so no real time. But to try and avoid this kind of thing in the future I set up a wash bay area in the port cochere. Pressure washer, foam gun, and purified water all with dedicated lines, and simple spigot turn ons. If I can do it without having to get all the crap out every time (like pulling into a wash bay) I'll be more able to spare the time to do it.