Not really.... most people say I am not your regular attorney, and in fact, many attorneys I don't think like me very much. Some judges too. But be that as it may I will always stand up for what is right and what is the law (and sometimes these things are not the same thing). But I am fond of two sayings, one by an Egyptian lord/general/governor who lived almost 5000 years ago. He left a book for his son and portions of it have come down to us today; one of the things he said was "be a craftsman in speech so though may be strong, for the strength of one is the tongue and words are mightier than all fighting." Now I know my share about fighting, and violence has its place, but the truth within that statement is, to me, self-evident. It is words that have given us our civilization and everything in it, even if we have to at times use violence to preserve it.
The other saying is one of my own from decades ago (yes, the ego, I know): I view poetry and work of an attorney as very much the same; both must use words to make others see the world as they see it.
But I ramble. Your pardon, gentlemen.