Still have it with my sweat heart. Get a machine to scan it, I will. Have blond hair down to my back. Got wacked off in prison at B- Day 19. It was not prison,, worse. It was chain gang county work house. Daily choirs included being chained to my best friend whom did not know. Breakfast at promptly 5 am lights out at 8 pm. Spent xmas, new years, 19th B- Day there and 3 months of college. Rough life of my mother used to say,,, colorful she said. Then I found some friends that I had not seen in a while. Wondered where they went. They were older so they took care of me on a chain gang at 18. Thank them to this day. Afro Americans can make great food back in the day and trustees made great shine out of orange , apple, pear peels. Got the sugar, starch, spring water, and corn. All the mixins. All over. But still fighting.