How far away is your nearest human neighbor?
Much too close for my liking, but not intolerable.
Closest house is only about a quarter mile away, but hidden from view by trees. Of course, I can drive to within 60 feet or so (property line) of where the good looking wife sunbathes.
Also to the southwest is the next closest, which is partially visible. That good looking (single) chick there is too pale to do any sunbathing.
Maybe a 3/4 mile to the house to the south. About a 3/4 to the houses on the other side of the river, to the east.
There's one to the north, also about 3/4 mile away, but there's a small hill and trees between us.
A little crowded perhaps, but not exactly like a townhouse either. It's about what you'd expect when everybody has 15 acres or better.