Brer fox threatened to throw me in the briar patch today: my car would not start.
Now I have to get the battery I have been looking for an excuse to get: the Odyssey AGM 94R-850.
No, brer fox! Don't THROW me in that briar patch!
I guess Optima got bought by some Efficient Profit Business types, as they have exported their manufacturing to Mehico, and the quality has unsurprisingly suffered.
I guess this is the end of my long time romance with the yellow top Optimas.
This is what happens when a bunch of shortsighted greedy people get ahold of a company.
Sad when a company tries to go from my "go to" battery to my "run away from" battery.
Note: I don't plan on ever buying an Optima again. They went full Obama on us, evidently, not just moving South, but quality has gone down the toilet.
Johnson Controls (globalist company that hires as few Americans as it can?) has backstabbed America.
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