In installing the axles I tried a new technique that
@jonx96 suggested to me to try, using a bolt and nuts to push the bushing in the lower knuckle in out of the way instead of the crude didn’t seem right hammer and drift method I was using. MUCH easier and effective!!! 2 wrench turns on a nut pushed the bushing flush up against the spindle body allowing the spindle to drop right one the lower control arm and effortlessly align the holes to slide the bolt in place. So I figured I’d share the technique will all who have been keeping interest in the continued adventures of GoManGo lol.
I used a M14x2.0x 85 mm long socket head cap screw and used a die to fully thread the partially threaded grade 12.9 socket head cap screw, then added 2 nuts and a few washers.
Slide the bolt in in the same way the original comes out, add washers, 2 nuts, 2 more washers and thread them up the bolt until the bolt can align itself into the other hole in the spindle. Then with 2 M22 open end wrenches (or 2 adjustable wrenches), hold 1 nut in place, turn the other about 1 full turn and the bushing is pressed flat into te spindle totally out of the way!!
Sure took the biggest PITA part of the job out of the way. If any one wants to buy a bolt and not setup let me know I can make some up being threading the bolt requires a M14x2.0 die which many probably don’t have. $25 shipped, add $15 for each additional setup beyond 1, flat shipping rate fir as many that will fit in a USPS Small Flat Rate Box. PM me if you need one.